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Never Married
Lagos, Nigeria
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In their own words

Adventurer at heart, meaningful connections

Adventure seeker who loves good food, great conversations, and spontaneous plans.

Best Feature
I'll tell you later
5'  5"   (165 cm)
Family Roots
Black / African descent
My Lifestyle
Has Kids
Wants Kids
Associate Degree
Technical Science / Engineering
$15,000 - $30,000
Does Not Matter
What languages do you speak?
Favorite Music
Blues, Country
Favorite Cities
Lagos, Maryland
Favorite Colors
Blue and Brown
Favorite Country
Favorite Drinks
Beer & Wine
Favorite Fashion Designers
Favorite Place To Be Kissed
Favorite Sports Teams
Favorite Songs At The Moment
Favorite Sports
Football or Soccer
Favorite TV Comedies
Chris Rock
Favorite Foods
Rice & Pasta
Favorite Styles Of Music
Blues & Country
I love creativity and embrace art so much
Yes some great evenings calls for chilled beer
Comedy does it for me as I love to laugh at all times
With so much love at heart to give, Life is best lived with a partner.
Be Fair, Life is hard enough
Adventurousness Very Cautious
Affectionateness Very Doting
Trustingness Average
Confidence Very Humble
Independence Very Independent
Mood Average
Romance Very Romantic
Sociability Average
Thought Process Very Analytical
Tolerance Very Compliant
Dress Average
Energy Somewhat High
Go Party Sometimes
Religion Average
Neatness Super Neat
Punctuality Always Early
Spending Average
Work Ethic Driven
Describe the perfect evening.
Good food, great company, and a chill vibe.. whether it's a cozy dinner or a walk under the stars.
Describe your perfect weekend.
A perfect weekend will be a mix of adventure and relaxation
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in connection at first sight, there’s definitely something special about instantly clicking with someone. Love, though, grows over time as you get to know the person.
How many kids would you like to have?
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
Physical appearance can spark initial attraction, but what really matters to me is a person’s energy, character, and how we connect on a deeper level. Attraction grows with great conversations, shared values, and a good sense of humor.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
it would be the ability to teleport. It would save time on travel, allow me to explore new places in an instant, and make it easier to connect with loved ones, no matter where they are.
What is the purpose of marriage?
It serves to create a deep emotional and legal bond between partners. It provides a framework for love, commitment, and partnership, offering support through life’s challenges. Marriage can also foster stability for families, build a sense of community, and reflect shared values and goals. Ultimately, it’s about creating a lifelong partnership based on trust, mutual respect, and love.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
The most important lesson I’ve learned is the value of resilience. Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, but it’s our ability to adapt, learn from experiences, and keep moving forward that truly defines us. Embracing change and staying positive can lead to personal growth and deeper connections with others.
What do your friends like about you most?
My friends often say they appreciate my loyalty and support. They value that I'm a good listener and can always be counted on for a laugh or a thoughtful conversation. I strive to be there for them in both good times and bad, and I think that’s what they like most!
What do your friends tease you about the most?
They make fun of how passionate I can be with work
What gets on your nerves?
What gets on my nerves is inconsistency, especially when people say one thing and do another. I also find it frustrating when there's a lack of consideration for others, like being late without notice or interrupting in conversations. I value respect and reliability, so those behaviors can be pretty irritating.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
The most important thing in a relationship is communication. Being able to openly share thoughts and feelings fosters trust and understanding. It helps resolve conflicts, deepens emotional connections, and ensures both partners feel valued and heard.
What's the best age to get married?
The best age to get married varies for each person and depends on individual circumstances, values, and goals. Generally, being in a stable place emotionally, financially, and in your career can contribute to a successful marriage. Ultimately, it’s about finding the right partner and feeling ready for that commitment.
What turns you off?
I’m turned off by a lack of honesty or respect. Negative attitudes and poor communication can also be major red flags. I value authenticity and kindness, so when someone isn’t genuine or treats others poorly, it really doesn’t sit well with me.
What turns you on?
I’m turned on by confidence, a good sense of humor, and genuine kindness. I love when someone is passionate about their interests and can engage in meaningful conversations. A positive attitude and the ability to make others laugh are always attractive qualities!
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
In five years, I hope to be in a fulfilling career that challenges me and allows me to grow, possibly taking on leadership roles. I also envision having a strong support system of friends and family, and ideally, being in a loving relationship where we share goals and adventures together. Ultimately, I aim to continue learning and exploring new experiences!
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